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Fast Ways to Relieve Tooth Pain at Home

Pain in the teeth that are usually felt when consuming foods or drinks hot or cold, is one of the symptoms of sensitive teeth. Tooth ache can make you not free to eat and drink. Therefore, consider the following ways to relieve aching teeth quickly, which you can do yourself at home. Tooth ache is generally felt by adults and adolescents. It is estimated, 2 out of 5 people aged 18-25 years experience aching teeth. However, children and the elderly are also very likely to experience this complaint. One factor that increases the risk of developing sensitive teeth is a fast-paced lifestyle. Because of busyness and busy schedules, we unconsciously often rush in consuming food or drink, even though it is still hot. Plus, we also often pay less attention to cleanliness and dental health.

Fast Ways to Relieve Tooth Pain at Home

One cause of sensitive teeth is eroded tooth enamel. Enamel or enamel is hard tissue on the surface of a tooth that serves to protect teeth. If enamel is eroded, food that is too hot, cold, sweet, or acidic can directly hit the nerve endings, causing a sense of pain. In addition, sensitive teeth can also occur if there are cracked teeth, broken tooth fillings, or gum disease. To relieve aching teeth quickly, you can do the following things:
  • Brush your teeth gently

  • Maybe there has been something wrong with the way you brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth too hard or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can make sensitive teeth ache. Therefore, use a toothbrush with soft bristles, and brush your teeth gently. To maintain oral hygiene, it is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day, followed by the use of dental floss.
  • Avoid foods that trigger tooth pain

  • Avoid food or drinks that are too hot, cold, sour, or sweet, until the pain of aching teeth subsides.
  • Delay brushing your teeth

  • Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods or drinks, because it can erode tooth enamel. After consuming something acidic, the enamel becomes softer so it's easy to thin out. So, wait for about half an hour before brushing your teeth.
  • Stop habits that can damage teeth

  • If you have a habit of grinding your teeth, try to break this habit. Ask your doctor for help, if necessary. Likewise with the habit of chewing ice cubes. Instead, chew sugar-free gum when you feel like moving your jaw. Either grinding your teeth or chewing on ice cubes can thin out tooth enamel. Another bad habit that needs to be stopped if you want to be free of sensitive teeth is smoking. Smoking can make teeth and gums more vulnerable to damage and sensitive, causing complaints in the form of tooth ache and pain.
  • Use special toothpaste for sensitive teeth

  • Choose toothpaste specifically for sensitive teeth with the formula strontium acetate. To be more effective, apply toothpaste directly to the tooth surface before brushing. Research shows that strontium acetate is able to relieve aching teeth by creating a strong protective layer of teeth quickly. This layer can close the pores of the teeth, so food does not directly affect the nerves of the teeth. This layer is also resistant to tooth decay acid. In one study, the sensitivity of teeth to hot food or drinks, reduced only in 60 seconds after being smeared with toothpaste containing strontium acetate. This means, the feeling of pain in the teeth will quickly subside and the food or drink that originally triggered the aching teeth you can enjoy again.
For adolescents and young adults who have a fast-paced and dynamic lifestyle, the various ways above can be a solution to relieve aching teeth quickly. However, handling dental pain must be accompanied by maintaining oral hygiene. Do not get busy making you ignore it. Although no longer aches, sensitive teeth must still be treated, which is to regularly brush your teeth twice a day using special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Also take the time to undergo a routine dental check, every 6 months. If complaints of aching teeth often appear or get worse, immediately check your teeth to the dentist.


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